Sustainable House Design - Creswick “The step-down”
What makes a great sustainable home projects? Clients.
Well for a start, great clients, and that's exactly who we have on this project.
Preliminary spatial organisational sketches
From purchasing during COVID only to move in and discover "wow this place is a bit small" while adding in anecdotal humour of hitting brows on the chimney above the stove, to a strong commitment to house sustainability.
Understanding that with climate change the future will hold more extreme weather conditions, our client wanted their first step to be an environmentally conscious one. To design a forever sustainable home, removing the need to move again and again while considering their environment. This meant dedicating time and energy to ensuring this house was just right for their family, designed with longevity in mind, catering to stay at home kids and ageing parents, room for all – and if mobility issues arise – the ability to live on a single level.
As a family of four adults it was important to ensure everyone had their own space while having 'family socialising' areas not just a TV room. Spaces to work from home, read and write as well as play the odd computer game. This family was after something special.
The project
A collaboration of our clients ideas and the Here Studio sustainable architects know-how with everyone getting involved, working through iterations and discovering along the way. The existing house, starting with humble kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, and ensuite, to thoughts of 3 storeys, then deciding on a grand sustainable split-level sustainable home design with working, relaxing, and socialising zones. A new step-down half level extension with a WFH study, master bedroom, ensuite, room for the occasional guest and a design nod to the owners history with ships after having lived on one for several years.
All the while keeping an eye on sustainable design, layout and materials. The orientation of windows and shading, utilising recycled bricks, maximising timber structures over steal and charred timber cladding. One of the more inventive eco friendly house solutions being a large sun room / greenhouse, which thanks to the natural slope of the land allows for water tanks underneath which help create a warm room.
Overcoming challenges
As with many projects however, there have been challenges. In this instance it was the considerable slope of the land. To overcome this the team worked with an engineer to reduce the need for underpinning by stepping away from the building (which also reduced costs), and installing smart, interesting internal staircases between levels.
Currently the project is out to tender for builders and both the clients and Here Studio team are excited to see the breaking of soil in coming months. Of course we will share project updates and images from the completed home.
Contact the Here Studio Team to discuss your sustainable home project